2021 #RunningForResearch: Kelly Cartus
Posted:Friday, September 10, 2021
Well, here it is, September 8, 2021. It is now 4 1/2 weeks out from the big day! It has been a long journey since being chosen by the Massage Therapy Foundation to represent them in the historic Boston Marathon. It has, at times, been a tough journey for me.
I have logged over 1750 training miles, I have suffered a few annoying injuries along the way (fractured foot, a couple back issues, a shoulder injury), and I have sometimes struggled with mojo. I have run in early mornings, lunchtimes, later in the evening, and sometimes more than once a day. I have run in a myriad of weather conditions, as only Buffalo, NY can offer! You name it, I have run in it! I have done a lot of groaning, sighing, crying, perhaps a little swearing. But always I remember my purpose: to raise funds for this wonderful foundation that conducts research, educates, does community outreach, basically validates my chosen profession of being a licensed massage therapist.
I am humbled and honored to be doing this. I am incredibly grateful to everyone who has supported me (hence, supported MTF) along the way. I am so excited to be able to finally meet my teammates in person, to meet the people who chose me for this amazing ride, and to experience the Boston Marathon, certainly something I never thought was possible. Onward I continue, full steam ahead, on the road to Boston.
This fundraiser is now closed.