Exhibits and Sponsorship

Opportunities Available

Generate exposure for your brand and support the Foundation’s mission of bring scientific research, education, and community service to the massage therapy profession.

View/Download Sponsorship Opportunities Packet


Contact Marla Gamze at mgamze@massagetherapyfoundation.org for questions or to sign up.

MTF extends its gratitude to our IMTRC 2025 Sponsors and Exhibitors who support the Foundation’s mission of bringing scientific research, education, and community service to the massage therapy profession.


IMTRC 2025 Presenting Sponsor:

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

Monday Coffee Break Sponsor:

Combe’s Wellness Center

Monday Lunch Sponsor:

Massage Heights

Monday Education Sponsor:

Books of Discovery

Tuesday Coffee Break Sponsor:

Massage Heights

Tuesday Education Sponsor

Canadian Massage Therapy/Therapist Association (CMTA)
Registered Massage Therapists Association of British Columbia (RMTBC)

Notebook Sponsor

Massage Envy

Lanyard Sponsor

Books of Discovery

T-Shirt Sponsors

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)
Massage & Myotherapy Australia
Florida State Massage Therapy Association

In-Kind Photography/Videography Sponsor



American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)
Canadian Massage Therapy/Therapist Association (CMTA)
Handspring Publishing
Master Massage
Registered Massage Therapists Association of British Columbia (RMTBC)
Signature Session