SCRC Gold Winner: MT for Ankle Mobility & Spasticity in Adult w/ Cerebral Palsy [Research Perch]

Posted:Thursday, September 5, 2024

Listen in to Research Perch as MTF President Adrienne F. Asta speaks with Spencer Pon, Gold Winner of MTF’s 2023 Student Case Report Contest, about his winning case report, Massage Therapy for Ankle Mobility and Spasticity in an Adult with Cerebral Palsy.

Pon’s research focused on the effectiveness of massage therapy in increasing ankle mobility and decreasing spasticity in an adult with spastic cerebral palsy (CP). Individuals with spastic CP commonly experience challenges such as increased deep tendon reflexes, tremors, and muscular hypertonicity. Through five massage therapy treatments administered over six weeks, Pon saw significant improvements in ankle mobility and a decrease in spasticity, offering promising insights into the potential benefits of massage therapy for individuals with CP.

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