

The Massage Therapy Foundation relies on a force of dedicated volunteers to accomplish its mission.

The Massage Therapy Foundation is looking for professionals in the massage therapy, bodywork, or healthcare industry as well as professionals with corporate, non-profit, or business experience that want to help further the mission and legacy of the foundation.  The majority of the volunteer work can be done individually or remotely via Zoom or telephone.

Writing Committee

  • Opportunity for writing articles for publication in Massage Therapy industry periodicals
  • Ideal member has a penchant for the written word and would like to help share the work of the Massage Therapy Foundation
  • Time Commitment: Varies depending on article assignments but flexible

Development and Marketing Committee

  • Opportunity to develop and support fundraising and marketing efforts of the foundation
  • Ideal member has interest or experience in non-profit fundraising
  • Not required, but helpful is connections to corporate or industry leaders to help further the foundation’s event and organization sponsorship
  • Time Commitment: Attend all or one of the topic-specific meetings planned throughout the year

Finance Committee

  • Opportunity to help guide and influence the MTF investment and budget and monitor the fiscal operation of the Foundation
  • Ideal member has an understanding of an association, foundation, or non-profit budget and tax obligations and fiscal acumen
  • Time Commitment: 6-8 one-hour-long meetings via Zoom per year

Governance Committee

  • Opportunity to bring people together in support of the foundation and to cultivate the next generation of massage therapy foundation leadership
  • Ideal member has knowledge of industry professionals for consideration for committee and trustee roles; interest in volunteer training, retention, and recognition
  • Time Commitment: Monthly or bi-monthly one-hour long meetings via Zoom

[su_button url=”https://forms.gle/1BnKNn2uZredsMHe7″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#588672″ color=”#ffffff” size=”13″ center=”yes” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px 0″]Fill Out the MTF Volunteer Form[/su_button]


Volunteer Testimonials: 

“Being a volunteer for the MTF writing group makes me feel connected to the professional community and keeps me informed about current massage therapy research. The writing group is a meaningful way of connecting research to practice. We use words to share the power of touch!” –Jolie Haun, PhD, LMT

“The reason that I volunteer is to learn new things about myself and the community. I have found that over the years I have made some amazing friends, and have grown as both a therapist and a person due to my volunteering.”Scott Lesieur, LMT

It’s not always about my professional development. I also find positive, personal development when I am doing the work of a volunteer at the Massage Therapy Foundation: preparing to interact with my fellow volunteers, donors and staff (phone call, email, or live conversation or activity) by putting myself in a place of gratitude and appreciation is a very cool reason for me to volunteer.” –David J Otto, LMT

If you would like to contribute to our work, please email this completed Volunteer Form  to: Geri Anne Nelson, Program Manager, at gnelson@massagetherapyfoundation.org or 847-905-1667