
As part of our mission, the Foundation believes that massage therapy research and education should be available and accessible to everyone. Please see below for our completely free eBooks.

Please input email below to download MTF’s Ergonomics Project: Phase One Report (the link to download your content will appear below within a few seconds of submitting your email): [email-download download_id=”8654” contact_form_id=”5707”]

Please input email below to download MTF’s Instructors’ Guide to Teaching Research (link will appear below): [email-download download_id=”5711” contact_form_id=”5707”]


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Download the 5 Myths and Truths About Massage Therapy >>


Download How To Connect With a Researcher >>


Download the Case For Pain Relief >>


Download Working With Physicians >>


Download Pediatric Massage: A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Getting Started >>


Download 3 Effective Physicians Letters>>