Research Posters

Posters are an important way to share research findings with other members of the profession.

Research Posters

Our poster archive includes research posters from The Massage Therapy Foundation’s annual Poster Session Contest and posters presented at our triennial International Massage Therapist Research Conference (IMTRC). Please click on the poster to view the larger PDF.

Integrating Massage and KinesioTaping for Advanced Rheumatoid Arthritis—A Descriptive Case Report
Poster by John Balletto, LMT, CKTP

Effect of Massage Therapy on Symptoms of Cervical Nerve Impingement
Poster by Beth Barberree

Hospital Based Massage Therapy
Poster by MK Brennan

Documentation in Massage School Clinics (2019 Poster Session)
Poster by Virginia S. Cowen, PhD, LMT, BCTMB






Massage Therapy Practice Guidelines at NCI-Designated Cancer Centers (2019 Poster Session)
Poster by Virginia S. Cowen, PhD, LMT, BCTMB






Does Therapeutic Massage Ameliorate Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy?
Poster by Joan E.Cunningham et al.

Pilot Study of Mixed Light Touch Manual Therapies on Soldiers with Chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Injury to the Head
Poster by Lauren Davis, PhD, LMT

“Research matters because it can help us describe a phenomenon, learn the underlying mechanism and see if an
experimental outcome is typical. I have become a better massage therapist by studying massage therapy research.”
– Lauren Davis, , PhD, LMT

Lauren Davis thank you video to MTF


Relationship Between Non-Specific Muscle Pain and Sleep Practices
Poster by Susan Davis

Massage for Breast Cancer Survivors: Presenting Evidence and Identifying Opportunities

Poster By Emiliana De Omena Bomfim

“Research bridges the gaps between research, clinical practice and patient practices and beliefs. At the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, we have been working on unveiling the biological effects of massage therapy. Our research assesses the effects of a Swedish massage program on cancer-related symptoms and on the levels of cortisol, alpha-amylase and cytokines in a population of breast cancer survivors. ”
– Emiliana De Omena Bomfim

Therapy Use Combinations of Massage Clients (2019 Poster Session)
Poster by Vito Di Bona, MS, LMBT





Active Muscle Therapy: Hamstring Flexibility and Strength
Poster by Jeffrey Forman, PhD, NCTMB, Michael Rogers, PhD, CSCS, and Lisbeth Geertsen, MS, CMT

Utilizing Orthopedic Massage to Improve In-Chair Comfort During Manual Wheelchair Use for a Veteran Living with a Spinal Cord Injury (2019 Poster Session)
Poster by Wendy Hajik, LMT, CPT





Massage Therapy for Dystonia: A Case Report (2019 Poster Session)
Poster by Michelle Lipnicki, Gold Award Winner of 2017 MTF Student Case Report Contest






Entry Level Massage Education’s Preparation for U.S. Healthcare Settings: Perspectives from Experienced Massage Therapists (2019 Poster Session)
Poster by Niki Munk, PhD, LMT, et. al





Deficits in Massage Related Adverse Events Case Reporting and Implications for the Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Field: A Systematic Audit through Mid-2016 (2019 Poster Session)
Poster by Niki Munk, PhD, LMT, et. al








Trigger-Point Self-Care for Chronic Neck Pain: A Pilot Study (2019 Poster Session)
Poster by Niki Munk, PhD, LMT, et. al






What Should Massage Education do More of, Different, Start, and Stop? Massage Education Stakeholder Views from the 2017 Alliance for Massage Therapy Educational Congress (2019 Poster Session)
Poster by Niki Munk, PhD, LMT, et al.






Community Massage Therapists as Research Personnel on an NIH-Funded Effectiveness Study
Poster by Niki Munk, PhD, LMT, et al.

The “4th Hamstring”: Effects of Adductor Magnus Treatment on Hamstring Length During Knee Extension
Poster by Douglas Nelson and James Ivaska

The Effect of Massage Therapy on Thoracic Range of Motion and Golf Swing Speed: A Pilot Study
Poster by Douglas Nelson and James Ivaska

Massage Therapy for Essential Tremor: Quieting the Mind
Poster by Nicole Riou

Impact of Reflexology on Number of Cigarettes Smoked by a 56-Year-Old Female
Poster by LoResa Robertson

”Sharing and promoting massage therapy research ignites my passion for this industry. Necessary benefits of the information derived from research include helping to bridge the gap with the medical community and facilitate integrative treatment plans.”
                                                                                                   – LoResa Robertson


Online Students Want More… Teachers?
Poster by Susan Salvo

“Research is vital to my practice because it helps me stay current with new discoveries, deepens my understanding about what massage does and does not do, and helps me provide safe and effective treatments for my clients. The knowledge gained from research helps elevate the overall standing of our profession in the health care community.”
                                                                                                      – Dr. Susan Salvo